Furnace Problems That Can Affect Your AC

If you are ready to turn off your heating for the year, you don't want to neglect repairs. There are problems with furnaces and HVAC ductwork that can also affect your AC this spring. Thus, it is important to have these issues repaired when servicing your system. The following information will help deal with the furnace problems that can affect your AC and ductwork: Moisture and Mildew in HVAC Equipment Read More 

What To Do When Your Furnace Stops Working And The Emergency Repairs The Furnace Might Need

When your furnace breaks down in the middle of the night, you could have an emergency on your hands if the temperature outdoors is freezing cold. If you can't stay with friends or go to a hotel, then you need emergency help. Fortunately, you can call a 24-hour emergency HVAC service any time of the day or night. Here are some tips for dealing with furnace trouble when the temperature is dangerously cold outside and the repairs your furnace might need. Read More 

Thermostat Problems That Can Negatively Impact Cooling Systems

Thermostats are central to cooling systems working correctly in homes. When they experience a problem, so can the cooling system. Here are a couple of instances of when this can happen and what you can do as an effective response.  Improper Placement You might not realize the importance of the position of your thermostat. It may have been set up prior to you moving in, so you didn't really have a say. Read More 

Heating System Improvements To Make Your Home More Efficient

If you want to make your home more efficient, upgrades to your heating system are a great investment. You have choices for alternative energy, smart controls, and other improvements that can greatly reduce your heating costs this winter. The following home heating system improvements are some of the solutions that you will want to consider to reduce your energy bills: Consider Furnace Replacement Options For Home Heating Systems The first option you will want to consider to update your heating is installing a more efficient furnace. Read More 

Does Your Furnace Need A New Heat Exchanger?

Not every furnace problem causes the furnace to stop generating heat. For this reason, some heating issues can go overlooked for quite a while before the homeowner realizes they need to call a heating repair contractor. This can be dangerous, especially in the case of a cracked heat exchanger. This is a problem that can easily go undetected, but it is one you really do want to detect and have repaired. Read More