In a central air conditioning unit, the compressor is what starts the cooling process once the thermostat sends a signal triggering the unit into action. Problems with the compressor can cause your unit to be less efficient or to completely stop working.
The compressor is so important that you shouldn't perform any fixes yourself unless you have previous HVAC experience. Call an air conditioner repair person for assistance.
Here are a few signs that the compressor has a problem and that you should call for professional help.
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The hotter months bring a terrible challenge for people who absolutely can't stand the heat; 'bricking' the air conditioning. Bricking refers to freezing the internal components of the air conditioner, essentially turning it into a brick of ice that can't cool down the building. Whether you're dealing with an ice brick of an air conditioner or getting ready for the heat of summer, consider a few inspection and maintenance points that can keep your current or future system in good working order.
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Although you should expect your air conditioner to make a moderate amount of noise according to its size and function, it's also true that uncharacteristically loud sounds may indicate a problem. Before you involve a repair professional, there are several ways you can try to eliminate the problem on your own. Here are three steps to troubleshooting your noisy air conditioning unit.
1. Fan blade
The first thing to look for is debris obstructing the fan blade.
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Wood burning stoves are an alternative, traditional heating method for your home and make use of wood as a fuel source as opposed to natural gas or electricity. They offer a number of advantages that other types of heating units do not. Understanding the benefits of wood burning stoves can help you decide if a wood burning stove is the right heating option for your home.
Cheap Fuel
Wood is fairly inexpensive as a fuel source, and depending on where you live, can cost less than using natural gas or electricity to heat your home.
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