Signs of Problems with Your Air Conditioner’s Compressor
In a central air conditioning unit, the compressor is what starts the cooling process once the thermostat sends a signal triggering the unit into action. Problems with the compressor can cause your unit to be less efficient or to completely stop working.
The compressor is so important that you shouldn't perform any fixes yourself unless you have previous HVAC experience. Call an air conditioner repair person for assistance.
Here are a few signs that the compressor has a problem and that you should call for professional help.
Unit Won't Provide Cool Air
You turn on your thermostat and no cold air comes out the vents even after a waiting period. First, check that the unit is receiving power and that one of the nearby fuses or the inside breaker hasn't tripped. If the unit is receiving power and the fan sounds like it is running, you might have an issue with your compressor.
The compressor pushes gas refrigerant into condensate coils that transform the gas into liquid so the refrigerant can travel inside to the air handler. If the compressor is faulty or stops working entirely, there's nothing there to push enough refrigerant into the system to fuel the cooling process.
While a lack of cool air can be related to the compressor, there are several other reasons your unit could stop cooling. These reasons range from the thermometer needing new batteries to low levels or refrigerant. That's why it's important to call in a professional to make sure that the compressor is the problem and to perform any necessary fixes.
Unit Won't Start
The complete failure of the compressor can cause the entire unit to shutdown if it's a longstanding problem. The lack of refrigerant cycling through essentially shuts down all of the parts that aren't receiving the fuel that allows those parts to work.
You should make sure the unit's power supply is turned on before calling an service for air conditioning installation in Essex county NJ. A unit not starting at all is likely a large problem that can include problems with both the compressor and/or motor. You might need to purchase an entirely new central air conditioner to fix the issue and cool your home.
Keep a close eye on your central air conditioner in the future and note any changes in cooling efficiency. Catching a compressor problem as it starts can prevent a full unit shutdown and save you some time and money.